CANCELLED: Giuseppe Verdi: Nabucco

This event has already taken place! 27.85 | 36.10 | 47.10 | 58.10 | 69.65
This event has already taken place! 27.85 | 36.10 | 47.10 | 58.10 | 69.65

The concert programme of the Elbphilharmonie and the Laeiszhalle cannot go ahead as planned due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. This event has had to be cancelled – it will not be rescheduled on an alternative date. Under the following link you can request a refund of your ticket price: Information on tickets refunds


Festspieloper Prag

Tschechische Symphoniker Prag

Liana Sass soprano

Šárka Hrbáčková mezzo-soprano

Nikolaj Někrasov baritone

Jurij Kruglov bass

Dušan Růžička tenor

Oldřich Kříž baritone

conductor Martin Doubravský


Giuseppe Verdi
Nabucco / Oper in vier Akten