CANCELLED: Danish National Symphony Orchestra / Helmchen / Luisi

This event has already taken place! 31 | 78.20 | 100.70 | 123.20 | 145.70
This event has already taken place! 31 | 78.20 | 100.70 | 123.20 | 145.70

The concert programme of the Elbphilharmonie and the Laeiszhalle cannot go ahead as planned due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. This event has had to be cancelled – it will not be rescheduled on an alternative date. Under the following link you can request a refund of your ticket price: Information on tickets refunds

He is one of the most sensitive Mozart interpreters of our time – probably because Martin Helmchen is always aware of the deceptive lightness inherent in every Mozart composition.  He describes as a »lifelong Herculen task« the search for the right tone, for the »right balance of mood« that are required in the G major Piano Concerto in particular. Concert programmers are fond of juxtaposing Mozart, the inventor of brilliant melodies, with Anton Bruckner, the painter of soundscapes, and the Danish National Symphony Orchestra and its chief conductor Fabio Luisi are no exception. Bruckner’s monumental Fourth Symphony, to which he gave the nickname »Romantic«, is almost unsurpassed in momentum and complexity: the composer made the Romantic search for »genius« into a theme in its own right in his constantly evolving symphonies.


Danish National Symphony Orchestra

Martin Helmchen piano

conductor Fabio Luisi


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in G major, KV 453

Anton Bruckner
Sinfonie Nr. 4 Es-Dur »Romantische«


Classical Fascination 1


Visiting Orchestras