Boulanger Trio & Johann von Bülow

»1918 – In der Schule wurden die Bänke leer«

This event has already taken place! 14 | 21 | 32 | 47
This event has already taken place! 14 | 21 | 32 | 47

Using sounds and words, the Boulanger Trio and the actor Johann von Bülow delve into the First World War. Branded into European history as the Great War, it was great in the magnitude of suffering, gigantic in its dimension of massive deaths, unspeakable in its senselessness. The artists have selected musical and literary pieces that reflect the content and sentiment of this epoch.


Boulanger Trio

Birgit Erz violin
Ilona Kindt violoncello
Karla Haltenwanger piano

Johann von Bülow reading


1918 – In der Schule wurden die Bänke leer
Musikalische Lesung zum 1. Weltkrieg
Werke von Maurice Ravel, Lili Boulanger,
Texte von Erich Maria Remarque, Erich Kästner, Stefan Zweig,

Estimated end time
