Avishai Cohen Trio


This event has already taken place! 36 | 47 | 53 | 59
This event has already taken place! 36 | 47 | 53 | 59

Over the last two decades, the Israeli double bass player, singer, bandleader, composer and arranger Avishai Cohen has earned a reputation not only as Israel’s most successful jazz export, but also as one of the most influential bass players of the last 20 years. Be it as an arranger, composer or instrumentalist – with 17 albums now to his name, Cohen has left indelible marks in modern jazz. After collaborations with greats such as Chick Corea, Alicia Keys, Herbie Hancock and Bobby McFerrin, Cohen formed the Avishai Cohen Trio with Shai Maestro and Mark Guiliana in 2008. In a new line-up, the trio now presents its latest album »Arvoles« at the Laeiszhalle.


Avishai Cohen Trio

Avishai Cohen double bass, vocals
Elchin Shirinov piano
Noam David percussion




Elbphilharmonie / Laeiszhalle Jazz