Alim Qasimov

Focus on the Caucasus

This event has already taken place! 8 | 13 | 25 | 36 | 42
This event has already taken place! 8 | 13 | 25 | 36 | 42

The mugham style from Azerbaijan is the Caucasus’ most virtuosic vocal music – and it is coming to Hamburg! Alim Qasimov is the undisputed master of the genre.

In addition to the mugham style, Qasimov also became an expert on bardic songs and the folk music tradition during his studies. Drawing from all these sources, the singer developed a high level of vocal accomplishment, for which he was awarded UNESCO’s prestigious music prize.

Qasimov explores every aspect of the voice, from the guttural to the highest falsetto. At times he whispers in a pianissimo, only to later soar to eruptive expressions of emotion. Pain and melancholy, burning passion and mystical love are captured in sound, accompanied by his daughter Fargana’s voice and the sounds of the spike violin, the shawm, the long-necked lute and the frame drum.


Alim Qasimov vocals

Fargana Qasimova vocals

Rauf Islamov kamantcha

Zaki Valiyev tar

Javidan Nabiyev nagara

Rafael Asgarov Balaban


Traditionelle Maquams und

