Ablaye Cissoko

Griot-Musik aus Westafrika – Reflektor Angélique Kidjo / Klassik der Welt

This event has already taken place! 10 | 16 | 23 | 33
This event has already taken place! 10 | 16 | 23 | 33

The magic of the harp

The kora is the fascinating, harp-like instrument of the griots, which invites the player to virtuosity and the listener to contemplation. As a member of a griot family that goes back over a thousand years, Ablaye Cissoko has been playing the kora since he was a boy. He is the only man apart from Ibrahim Maalouf that Angélique Kidjo has invited to her four-day »Reflektor« festival alongside all the outstanding women artists.

She asked him to take part on the one hand because the griots, as storytellers, musicians and healers, form an essential part of West African culture. On the other hand, the texts that Ablaye Cissoko sings with his wonderfully soft and friendly voice display a deep esteem for the women of Africa and indeed the whole world.

From the 12th century up to today, the Griots, known as »the Bards of West Africa«, have transmitted their music and knowledge from generation to generation through a sophisticated and unbroken oral tradition. This concert explores the epics of the Mandinka Kingdom, together with the griot master of the kora, Ablaye Cissoko.


Ablaye Cissoko kora, vocals


»mandingo recital«
Neue und traditionelle Griot-Musik aus Westafrika

Estimated end time



Reflektor Angélique Kidjo