Workshop: Kosmos Minimal Music

for young people aged 16+ and adults

Ticket sale starts on 17 Sep 2024 at 11:00 Tickets 8 8
Ticket sale starts on 17 Sep 2024 at 11:00 Tickets 8 8

Minimal music was a new type of music that started to emerge in the USA in the 1960s. It is characterised by catchy, repetitive melodies or rhythms, so-called »patterns«. Composers like Steve Reich and Philip Glass made the style famous all over the world. Workshop participants learn about minimal music, can try out various instruments, and at the end play their own piece written in the style.

Please note: this workshop is aimed at families with children aged ten and above. Children younger than ten may not participate in this workshop. All participants need a ticket.

Estimated end time


Promoter: HamburgMusik

Supported by Stiftung Elbphilharmonie with funding from the Körber Foundation’s »ZukunftsMusik«

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