Twinkle Concert L / Wo der Wind weht

Children’s Concert: Ages 6+

Ticket sale starts on 3 Dec 2024 at 11:00 Tickets from €8 8 | 16
Dianto Reed Quintet
Dianto Reed Quintet © Jessie Kamp

When air sets the tone

The staged concert »Wo der Wind weht« (Where the Wind Blows) transports the audience to a world in which air is the source of music. This is particularly evident in the members of this young, enthusiastic woodwind quintet. They find themselves in a mysterious place where movement and sound form a magical union. Determined, they allow the wind to guide them, first in their encounters with each other, then competing with one another, until they finally achieve harmony together. As a quintet, they play music from different eras, including works by the Spanish composer Manuel de Falla.

»Twinkle Concerts« is the series of children’s concerts at the Elbphilharmonie that brings the most successful productions from all over Europe to Hamburg. At times funny and playful, at others thoughtful and reflective, the series introduces children to the world of music in a special and unique way.


Dianto Reed Quintet

María González Bullón oboe
María Luisa Olmos Ros clarinet
Erik Steven Rojas Toapanta bass clarinet
María Losada Burgo bassoon
Ovidi Martí Garasa saxophone

Dan Tanson stage direction


Musik für Rohrblattquintett aus verschiedenen Epochen


Twinkle Concerts L / Ages 6+

Promoter: HamburgMusik

A coproduction by Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and Philharmonie Luxembourg
With the support of KRAVAG-Versicherungen

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