Instrumentenwelt digital

The World of Instruments digital

It's not difficult to make music – we show you how! (German only)

Series 1: We make music!

To make music you need sheet music, an expensive instrument and lots of practice. No you don’t, not at all! You can track down hidden sounds at home and make your instrument using the simplest resources. Our professionals from the Elbphilharmonie World of Instruments show you how it’s done.

Episode 1: We build instruments

There are loads of musical instruments hidden in your apartment! You don’t believe us? Try it out here – Linda and Pawel from the Elbphilharmonie World of Instruments wish you lots of fun drumming, whistling and plucking!

Episode 2: Body percussion

You haven't let off steam today? Show what you can do on the drums – with body percussion!

Episode 3: We sing together

Singing makes you happy! So oil your vocal chords and sing along with Linda and Pablo!

Series 2: We invent music!

Listening to your favourite songs is all well and good. But how does one actually invent new music? our detectives from the Elbphilharmonie World of Instruments reveal where sounds are hidden, and how you can capture them.

Episode 1: Experimenting with sounds

Can you guess what sounds are hidden in Sara’s living room? Help Annegret solve the puzzle!

children’s programme

All concerts, videos and join-in tips for young ears.

Episode 2: Painting sounds

Can you actually see sounds? Of course you can, you just need to paint them! Sara and Annegret show you how to conjure up your own sound pictures.

Na, zu Ende gespielt? Hier könnt ihr euch anschauen, wie zwei Musik-Profis Saras und Annegrets Zeichnung in Musik verwandeln.

Episode 3: Sounds in motion

Do you want to get some exercise? Then join in and let sounds wander through your body!

Guess the sound: A game with the Aris Quartet

Episode 4: Poems with music

You can use sounds, pictures and movements to tell wonderful stories. In this episode Sara and Annegret show you how to set a poem to music.

Two haikus for your own poems set to music:

From afar there comes
The sound of bells ringing – listen,
Through the springtime mist.

In all the rain
The lark shakes itself
And flies heavenwards.

Episode 5: Creating music and writing it down :with oboist Cristina Gómez Godoy

What do we really need sheet music for? Cristina Gómez Godoy is a professional musician, and explains in this video what written or printed music is good for. You’ll also find out how to write music down yourself – and how the notes on the page can turn into completely new music.

Wer hört die Unterschiede?

Dieselbe Zeichnung (aus dem Video von Cristina) hat sich auch die Saxofonistin Jess Gillam angeschaut und dazu Musik erfunden. Welche Unterschiede fallen euch zwischen Cristinas (oben) und Jess’ Stück (unten) auf?

Hat euch die Zeichnung von Annegret und Sara gefallen? Wie ihr selber zu Klängen malen könnt, erfahrt ihr in diesem Video.

Serie 3: Musik machen mit Apps

Folge 1: Klangsafari

Musik machen mit dem Smartphone oder Tablet fetzt und macht richtig viel Spaß, ob allein oder zusammen mit anderen. Findet heraus, wie ihr aus eigenen Sounds euren ganz persönlichen Mix erstellt!

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