Workshop: Kreativ Sound Safari

for families with children aged 8+

This event has already taken place! 8
This event has already taken place! 8
World of Instruments
World of Instruments © Claudia Höhne

With their ears pricked up, participants in our musical safari walk around the Elbphilharmonie and use their microphones to record interesting sounds. Is the echo in the bathrooms different from in the foyer? Which sounds can be heard in the auditorium when there is no concert on? Using a tablet with an app, the participants collect scraps of sound and then put them together to create a little piece of music.

Please note: This workshop is aimed at families with children aged 8+.
Children younger than eight years may not participate in this workshop.

Estimated end time


During your visit

Elbphilharmonie Plaza

A public viewing platform on the 8th floor of the Elbphilharmonie

More about the Plaza