Christmas Oratorio / Weihnachtsoratorium

NDR Das Alte Werk: Basle Chamber Orchestra / Kammerorchester Basel

This event has already taken place! 13 | 21.80 | 28.40 | 36.10 | 41.60
This event has already taken place! 13 | 21.80 | 28.40 | 36.10 | 41.60

There is no escaping them in December: Bach’s »Christmas Oratorio« and Handel’s »Messiah«, the two great season’s favourites. The series »Das Alte Werk«, however, offers an alternative, and a true discovery. Riccardo Minasi and the Basle Chamber Orchestra present the oratorio »Il Verbo in Carne«, written in 1748 by Neapolitan composer Nicola Porpora. It tells the story of the birth of Christ from a philosophical perspective.

Based on the Gospel of John and the prophecy that »The Word Became Flesh«, »humanity« (Umanità), »justice« (Giustizia) and »peace« (Pace) debate whether this world of ours can still be saved. In the midst of the debate, »reality« (Verità) enters and reports that in Bethlehem a child was born. Immediately, all four embark on a journey to the Promised Land where they encounter the Holy Family, surrounded by shepherds and kings.

Nicola Porpora was long only remembered as the singing teacher of legendary castratos Farinelli and Caffarelli. On top of that, he is famous as the rival of Handel in London, where Porpora tried to outshine his opponent’s Royal Academy of Music with his own Opera of the Nobility, until both companies went bankrupt. Porpora’s music, however, including his more than 50 operas, has only recently been rediscovered. »Il Verbo in Carne« does not only stun listeners with Porpora’s breathtaking arias, but also with the pastoral idyll and poetry of his music.


Kammerorchester Basel

Miriam Feuersinger soprano

Roberta Invernizzi soprano

Terry Wey countertenor

Martin Vanberg tenor

Riccardo Minasi violin and director


Nicola Porpora
Il verbo in carne / Oratorio per la nascita di Gesù Cristo