RESCHEDULED: Joey Calderazzo & John Patitucci

The concert has been rescheduled for 12 May 2022 at the Laeiszhalle Recital Hall

This event has already taken place! 8 | 13 | 25 | 36 | 42
This event has already taken place! 8 | 13 | 25 | 36 | 42

Famous sidemen

This concert has been rescheduled for 12 May 2022 at the Laeiszhalle Recital Hall. Subscribers of »Jazz Piano« and people participating in the order process will be informed directly by e-mail. Go to replacement event

The final date in our »Jazz Piano« series unites two extremely well-known sidemen: Joey Calderazzo, the pianist in Branford Marsalis’s current quartet, and bass player John Patitucci, who used to be a member of Chick Corea’s Elektric Band. Together, they form a distinctive duo in the realm of modern mainstream jazz.

Calderazzo embarked on a course of study as a classical pianist in New York in 1965, when he was only eight. Then he discovered jazz as a teenager. He released several albums on the prestigious Blue Note label, and refined his hard Swing style with the saxophonists Michael Brecker and Branford Marsalis, among others. John Patitucci was born in 1959, likewise in New York, but he grew up in California. Under the influence of old R’n’B songs and of legendary American bass players such as Ray Brown and Ron Carter, Patitucci evolved into one of the top bassists of the nineties: he played with Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter. His style is marked by tempo, a clear tone and great versatility.


Joey Calderazzo piano

John Patitucci bass


An Evening with Joey Calderazzo & John Patitucci

Estimated end time
