Concerts for Hamburg

NDR Radiophilharmonie / Simon Höfele / Andrew Manze

This event has already taken place! 8 | 16 | 24
This event has already taken place! 8 | 16 | 24

The NDR Radiophilharmonie and its chief conductor Andrew Manze are giving two guest concert performances in Hamburg. The Hanoverians have chosen Smetana’s »Moldau«, which is one of the most famous works in the classical repertoire – and rightly so, because no one painted more beautiful landscapes in music than the Czech composer. In its day, Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto was a real innovation: the piece was composed shortly after the valved trumpet was invented, which made it possible to produce far more notes than on the natural trumpets that preceded it. Haydn exploited the new instrument to the full, making it quaver elegantly and using all the whole range of the musical scale. The young star Simon Höfele is the soloist in this concerto. The concert then comes to a climactic close with Mozart’s »Prague Symphony«.

In the wake of its overwhelming success in past years, a third season of the concert series aimed at newcomers will be put on in 2019: an hour of classical music in the Grand Hall of the Elbphilharmonie – no dress regulations, no rules of etiquette, just a relaxed atmosphere! This time the programme is not entirely composed of classical music: the NDR Bigband can be heard as part of the series for the first time.


NDR Radiophilharmonie

Simon Höfele trumpet

conductor Andrew Manze


Bedřich Smetana
Vltava (Die Moldau) / Sinfonische Dichtung / aus: Má vlast (Mein Vaterland)

Joseph Haydn
Konzert für Trompete und Orchester Es-Dur Hob. VIIe:1

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Sinfonie D-Dur KV 504 »Prager«

Estimated end time



Concerts for Hamburg