K&K Opera Choir & Philharmonic Orchestra

Operas by Verdi, Wagner and Bizet

This event has already taken place! 40 | 74 | 80 | 87 | 92
This event has already taken place! 40 | 74 | 80 | 87 | 92

Aida, Carmen and Nabucco – where would music theatre be without the great choral operas? »The Most Beautiful Opera Choruses« brings together the most famous passages from the greatest operas by masters such as Verdi, Bizet, Wagner, Mozart and Bellini. The K&K Opera Choir and the K&K Philharmonic Orchestra have enjoyed huge success on European stages with this programme since 2004 – frequently selling out major venues.


K&K Opernchor

K&K Philharmoniker

conductor Georg Kugi

conductor Matthias Georg Kendlinger


Werke von Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, Georges Bizet u.a.