Jonas Jonasson / Reading

Harbour Front Literaturfestival

This event has already taken place! 14 | 17 | 20
This event has already taken place! 14 | 17 | 20

Finally, a sequel to the world bestseller »The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared«! Allan Karlsson now wants to save the world. Jonas Jonasson’s protagonist has had enough of his long-term holiday on Bali. In Jonasson’s second novel of the series, » The Accidental Further Adventures of the Hundred-Year-Old Man«, Karlsson’s contemplative hot air balloon ride for his 101st Birthday ends in crash landing on the high seas. As part of the Harbour Front Literaturfestival, Jonas Jonasson reads excerpts from Allan Karlsson’s new mission that takes the centenarian from North Korea via New York to the Congo and to meeting with Angela Merkel and Donald Trump.

The Harbour Front Literaturfestival brings together some 100 German and international authors at 20 locations in Hamburg’s docklands, including the Elbphilharmonie, from 12 September to 15 October. This year the festival celebrates its 10th anniversary.


Jonas Jonasson reading

Joachim Król reading

Bernhard Robben moderation


»Der Hundertjährige, der zurückkam, um die Welt zu retten«