Jazz in the Kulturcafé


This event has already taken place!
This event has already taken place!

The piano trio »Meinberg/Meyer/Oberbeck« was founded early in 2016 from the idea of giving concert tours with living room concerts. In the meantime, the Hamburg-based musicians have expanded this project several times with great success, and they are now playing better-known venues as well. Thus they appeared at the Elbjazz festival together with trumpeter David Boato, and went on tour in June 2017 with the New York sax player Chris Cheek. At »Jazz in the Kulturcafé«, the trio returns to its roots and can be heard in a smaller setting, with an atmosphere that is all the more intimate as a result.



Béla Meinberg piano
Tilman Oberbeck double bass
Jan-Phillip Meyer drums

Estimated end time
