Gravity ‒ nach dem Himmel gezogen / ‒ Attracted to the Heavens

Ensemble Resonanz in Residence at the Elbphilharmonie

This event has already taken place! 15 | 25 | 35 | 45
This event has already taken place! 15 | 25 | 35 | 45

If everything in the world happens by circumstance, does this mean that everything also breaks down? The close distance of the sun to the earth helps soften the wing’s wax. Sweet songs allure the island of mermaids. The magician loses his power out of earshot. Accompanied by Mendelssohn we take an elevated train route: from lust heavenward.

»We drop anchors into the depths of music history and life« – thus the credo that inspired Ensemble Resonanz’s development of five events related to each Resonanz concert. The events offer interested music lovers the chance to discover more about the themes surrounding each concert, attend rehearsals and listening experiments.

To the calender listing all Ensemble Resonanz concerts and »anchor« events

Jörg Widmann introduces himself at the Talk in the Kulturcafé:
Wed, 7 Jun 2017 / 18:00 / Elbphilharmonie Kulturcafé


Ensemble Resonanz

Jörg Widmann Klarinette und Leitung

Estimated end time
