Photography Exhibition: Klaus Frahm

Reflektor Nils Frahm

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This event has already taken place!

Nils Frahm has also invited his father to take part in this three-day »Reflektor« weekend. Klaus Frahm is a sought-after architectural photographer who has contributed several album covers for the ECM label. Since 2010, he has been pursuing a project that looks at space from a new angle: the audience in a concert hall normally looks at the stage from the auditorium. With »The Fourth Wall: Stages & Cages«, Klaus Frahm looks at things the other way round, pointing his camera from the stage towards the auditorium. The result is a series of impressive photos that will be on show in the Kaistudio during »Reflector«.

The exhibition will be open from 15:00 to 20:00 on 8 June and from 10:00 to 20:00 on 9 and 10 June.


Reflektor Nils Frahm