Festive Advent Concert (2G)

Hamburger Konzertchor / HansePhilharmonie Hamburg

This event has already taken place! 19.95 | 31.95 | 42.95 | 49.55
This event has already taken place! 19.95 | 31.95 | 42.95 | 49.55

Please note: This event takes place according to the »2G« regulation – only people who are vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19 will be admitted and all visitors are required to wear a medical mask: Your visit during the coronavirus pandemic

Three choirs join forces for this festive Christmas concert with the HansePhilharmonie Hamburg. They perform under the baton of Mike Steurenthaler as much a festive as a reflective programme in the Laeiszhalle Grand Hall.


HansePhilharmonie Hamburg

Hamburger Konzertchor

Giuseppe Verdi Chor Hamburg

Mädchenchor Hamburg

choir director Gesa Werhahn

Sophie-Magdalena Reuter soprano

Miriam Sharoni soprano

Iuliia Tarasova mezzo-soprano

Ricardo Marinello tenor

Weilian Wang tenor

conductor Mike Steurenthaler


Festliche Musik zur Weihnachtszeit von Mozart, Händel, Brahms u.a.
Ouvertüren, Arien und Chöre aus Opern von Verdi, Puccini, Donizetti,