Ensemble Resonanz / »atem« / »breath«

Bach / Andre / Pergolesi

This event has already taken place! 10 | 25 | 40 | 55
This event has already taken place! 10 | 25 | 40 | 55

The Holy Spirit is »Atman« in Hindu, »Prana« in Buddism, »Ruh« in Islam, »Ruach« in Hebrew. The breath is the place where voice meets soul. Mark Andre combines both in his Passion music »Kar«, Pergolesi in his »Sabat Mater«. C.P.E. Bach, son of Johann Sebastian, has something else in mind entirely. Under the baton of Riccardo Minasi, the Elbphilharmonie’s Ensemble in Residence concludes its »Voice – Air in Tremor« series in the Recital Hall.


Ensemble Resonanz

Mari Eriksmoen soprano

Andreas Scholl countertenor

conductor Riccardo Minasi


Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Sinfonia h-Moll Wq 182/5 für Streicher und Basso continuo

Mark Andre

– Interval –

Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Stabat mater / Sequenz für Sopran, Alt, Orgel und Streichorchester

Estimated end time



Resonances »stimme« / »voice«