Bach: Matthew’s Passion

Freiburger Barockorchester / Vox Luminis / Raphael Höhn / Lionel Meunier

This event has already taken place! 12 | 29 | 55 | 78 | 95
This event has already taken place! 12 | 29 | 55 | 78 | 95

Eastertime classic

What would Easter be without the St Matthew Passion? Johann Sebastian Bach’s mammoth Baroque oratorio is performed countless times every year on Good Friday: be it in the city or the country, be the performers amateurs or professionals – the enthusiasm for the work far surpasses any inhibitions about its length and the huge ensemble required. And »huge« is no exaggeration: the Thomaskantor calls for two choirs and two orchestras here, plus a number of soloists.

By the same token, the length of the score is nothing if not generous: it lasts for a good three hours. But three hours of fantastic music are a pleasure to listen to – and all the moreso when the performers are as fine as in this Elbphilharmonie concert: with the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra and Vox Luminis, we hear two top ensembles whose main focus is Baroque repertoire.

On the rostrum is Vox Luminis founder Lionel Meunier, an internationally sought-after conductor with a worldwide reputation for his lively and historically accurate readings of Baroque music. A first-class group of soloists, led by tenor Raphael Höhn as the Evangelist rounds off the outstanding cast. Easter 2023 is something to look forward to!


Freiburger Barockorchester

Vox Luminis

Hamburger Knabenchor

Zsuzsi Tóth soprano

Viola Blacher soprano

Gwendoline Blondeel soprano

Alexander Chance alto

William Shelton countertenor

Raphael Höhn evangelist

Florian Sievers tenor

Raffaele Giordani tenor

Sebastian Myrus Jesus

Felix Schwandtke bass

director Lionel Meunier


Johann Sebastian Bach
Matthäus-Passion BWV 244

Estimated end time


Live Broadcast

The concert will be broadcast live in the Elbphilharmonie Mediatheque.