CANCELLED: Hamburg Klassik Müsik Chor

This event has already taken place!
This event has already taken place!

The concert programme of the Elbphilharmonie and the Laeiszhalle cannot go ahead as planned due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. This event has had to be cancelled – it will not be rescheduled on an alternative date. Under the following link you can request a refund of your ticket price: Information on tickets refunds

»Singing on your own isn’t much fun, that’s why we sing together« is the motto of the Hamburg Klassik Müsik Chor, which has been performing Turkish classical music for 20 years now.

Please note: This event replaces the cancelled concert from 15 March 2020. Tickets purchased for the postponed concert are valid for this event.


Hamburg Klassik Müsik Chor

Gökhan Sezen vocals

İsmail Bergamalı clarinet

Selim Gönüldaş zither


Classical Turkish choral music